Sunday, November 18, 2012

FYI - presentations

Previously sent as an email.....

Good Sunday Morning,

I thought I would send you a few FYI facts as you put the finishing touches on your presentations for tomorrow.  We will have four presentations (see schedule below)  Make plans to present for 30 - 45 minutes.  Please put a paragraph summary (no more than 5 sentences) about your topic on our blog (for groups choose ONE person to do that). This will help us to know a little about your topic before tomorrow.  We will meet in one of the classrooms upstairs since that setting is a little more intimate.  I will provide a projector.  If you don't have a laptop EMAIL me you presentation since I will not allow a flash drive in my laptop (had one to crash after class presentations due to a virus). EMAIL to my google account ONLY

You and your group are the experts--we can't wait to hear what you have learned and how this impact will affect you/your colleagues as future teachers.  "WOW" us, "ENGAGE" us (it's not a monologue), TEACH us!!!!!!!

Unless there is a power outage we WILL finish each presentation so be prepared to stay the length of the class period. If you need to bring a snack feel free.  We will take a break between each presentation to debrief.

Have a wonderful Sunday --enjoy the blessings of God today and always.

Presentation Schedule
1. Vanessa
2. Dana & April
3. Jameon
4. Rebecca, Trenecia, William

Dr. A


  1. Dana & April
    Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching and learning of different readiness levels, interests and modes of learning within the same classroom. The idea of differentiating instruction is to approach instruction in a way that will benefit all students in the classroom through active planning. One way to differentiating instruction in the classroom is to utilize the information provided by Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory. Teachers should build a relationship with their students to better understand what type of instruction will work best with each student.

  2. My presentation will b on High Stakes Testing. High stakes testing is conducted in public schools. Most high stakes test are standardized test. I plan to present an unbiased opinion but I didn't find many positive facts. I am against high stakes testing and my presentation will reflect that. My presentation will also take an in depth look at No Child Left Behind and Adequate Yearly Progress.

  3. Problem based learning allows students to work in small groups alone and investigate a problem actively. The teacher presents the students with a case and the students do research to prove their answer. The teacher acts as a facilitator and mentor instead of the main source for an answer. Problem based learning helps to fill in the gaps of students back ground knowledge and helps students become familiar with reasoning. Problem based learning allows students to be at the center of learning.

  4. Trenecia , Rebecca and William.

    Our presentation discusses "Teaching African American Males." We will cover the issues african american males face in getting an education. We will present teaching strategies to help teachers in the classroom be successful. We will also provide outspoken leaders on the issue. Lastly, we will present evidence of success.
