Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 7 - Moving Upward and Beyond ~ Chapter 8 Making Happen, One Step at a Time

Post due by midnight - November 11, 2012

On a personal note:  Chapter 7 opens with information about Tony Contos at Joliet Central High School, MY alma mater.  I was so excited, I called the school.  He has since retired but works at the Joliet Museum.  Of course, I emailed him :) and we have been corresponding on how the 7 Habits transformed him.

1.  Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas".  Why did this schools/countries story impact you.

2.  Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter.  Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.

3.  React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".

Chapter 8 - Making It Happen One Step at a Time

1.  What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change?  Which would be the most difficult one for you? 
2.  The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relatin need to be strong fo teaching to be most effective.  Do you agree/disagree?  Why?
3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?
4.  Describe how you are a leader.  Be sure to use Covey's model.


  1. 1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you?

    My personal favorites was Guatemala, I think I was just shocked to see that the book reached out that far. It was so sad to me that there had been a war on their turf in my lifetime. The most disturbing thing that I read in this section was that only two of ten youths were finishing school. That is only 20%. The most inspiring part of this section was that one woman, Maria del Carmen Acena, saw that her country needed help and she did something about it. The transformation she made within her country was nothing shy of amazing.

    2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.

    Firstly, I would write and request a grant to hire extra graduate assistants. I would give all the teachers and their graduate assistants the 7 Habits book. I would have the departments to meet, in person or online individually or together whichever is best for them, weekly like a book club to discuss their readings.
    Secondly, once everyone had finished the book and had understanding I would send the graduate assistants to be trained on the seven habits.
    Third, after being properly trained I would have the graduate assistants to train their departments.
    Finally, now that the teachers and graduate assistants are familiar with the seven habits it can be implemented into the classrooms with the students.

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".

    It has always been said that children are the future. The youth has to be well educated fo when it’s their time to take charge and lead. Without the materials they need to be successful adults the will falter as tomorrow's leaders.

    1. I think your idea of receiving a grant is absolutely brilliant! I also liked how Maria del Carmen Acena transformed the education system of Guatemala. Isn't it amazing what one person can do?!

  2. chapter 7
    1)Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you.
    My favorite story is the Joliet Township story. I like this story because of how the 7 habits energized the counselor and ended up giving the kids an avenue to discuss things on their minds and now they were able to give a sense of trust to the people at the school. The kids also go the structure they wanted and needed.

    2) Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.
    My 3 point plan would be to
    A) give all of faculty and the Adminstrators the 7 habits book and train them on it.
    B) Then develop a new mission statement for the University.
    c) Lastly, audit the implementation of the new plan

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".
    In china it has been stated that teachers are nation builders and In combination with the statement of "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth" it should give every teacher and a member of society a sense of urgency or should treat education with a high priority. The facts from the PISA report support these statements. It stated if the U.S. increased its test scores by 25 points in 20 years it would generate 41 trillion dollars in the U.S. economy.

    chapter 8

    1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you?
    a) Inspire trust
    b)clarify purpose
    c)align systems
    d)unleash talent
    the most difficult of the four for me would be unleasing talent.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relatin need to be strong fo teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?
    I agree because the most effective way of teaching is modeling. Yes to start you must lecture but to make it more tangible to the student is to model it.

    3) What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?

    The teachers are the front line as customer service representatives for the students and the parents. They are viewed as help the students absorb the information Provided. The teachers would be viewed as helpful if they seem to be getting through to the child and then the child could later on be a productive citizen. The parents would be grateful/happy with the teacher and the environment they are providing them. On the inverse if the teacher is not well trained and or not happy then the child will not be properly taught nor would the parent would be happy.

    4) I would be considered a leader because I would have the most important characteristic I would try to exemplify would be the win/win strategy. all investors invest to get something in return....a profit. I would want the people to feel that I have the vision, the goal and the plan to achieve and they will benefit if they follow. I gain and they gain

    1. I like how you related teachers to being customer services reps for students and parents. This is a very cool thought. A teacher with the right outlook can have such a strong influence.

    2. I am surprised by your response to #3. 41 trillion dollars? That is incredible! It reminds me of that commercial where the Chinese professor tells his students "Of course, we owned most of their debt, so now they work for us". Our country needs to invest in the education of its youth.
      You can view this commercial at

    3. The Joliet Township story was an inspiring one. I like your plan you incorporated some things that I didn’t even think of. I wonder if the United States plans to takes PISA’s advice. Great reaction to the second quote!

    4. Wow! 41 trillion dollars that is amazing. I completey agree that we need to invest in the educaion of our youth.

  3. Chapter 7
    Question 1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you? My favorite story was Roosevelt Middle School and Principal Marilyn Vrooman. I was touched by her faith in accepting the position when she really wanted to say no. It was impressive to hear how she put her heart and soul into creating an engaging and friendly environment for her students. She seems like a very innovative, creative, caring administrator.

    Question 2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU. (Sorry about creating an extra question for us. I just got inspired and carried away!)
    1. Approach Dr. Martin with a vision of where The Leader In Me could take the School of Education. This approach should include the book and perhaps the sharing of a few testimonies from schools that have already successfully implemented the program.
    2. With Dr. Martin’s support, the 7 Habits training should be given to all members of the School of Education. Learning together as a group should also help to build positive relationships within the School. As a group, the School should create a plan/vision/mission for the School of Education
    3. Each course should incorporate training in one of the seven habits. In this manner, students can be exposed to the 7 Habits by a variety of teachers in a variety of classes. By the time their degree is completed, the students will be well-versed in the 7 Habits.
    4. As the culture of the School changes, others parts of the 7 Habits may also be developed, like posting the 7 Habits throughout the building and similar actions.

    Question 3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth". The children of today become the leaders of the nation tomorrow. I thought this was beautifully illustrated by the feature story of Guatemala. The children were without hope and were neither completing school nor becoming productive citizens and workers. This was creating a disastrous situation for the country. BUT, when the students were given a glimmer of hope, WOW! The students went to work on many social problems and began implementing change. We should never underestimate the power of hope. Hope changes nations!

    1. Question #1
      I liked this one as well. I am glad there are people like Marilyn Vrooman in this world. I personally do not think I am a strong enough leader to do something like that right now, but I will keep trying.

  4. Chapter 8

    1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you? Covey’s four steps are: Inspire Trust; Clarify Purpose; Align Systems; and Unleash Talent. The most difficult one for me is Clarifying Purpose. Once I get a direction on something, I can usually follow through fairly true to course but I seem to take an extra long time to get the direction going.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relating need to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why? I agree because it is very hard for us as humans to believe in things which we cannot see. Teachers cannot stand in front of the room and state: “Do as I say and not as I do”. Our example speaks volumes more than our words. Our students will imitate what we do. Also, feelings have to be credited with influencing our learning. Dr. Peters says we have to build relationships before we can teach. Similarly, Dr. Covey states we have to build trust first. Students will work much harder for teachers if positive feelings are felt.

    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"? Teachers are the greatest asset because they have the potential to have a great influence that last for a lifetime upon students. Those students, in turn, have great influence on the lives of those they touch BUT a teacher with a bad attitude or unwillingness to change or with no desire to stay current of research and technology can be the one bad apple that spoils the whole batch. A little poison can go a very long way.

    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model. I am striving to become a leader by first doing my very best to model appropriate behavior and attitudes (modeling/seen). I try to get to know people and have a genuine concern for their personal well-being and success (relating/felt). I try to learn all I can about how to teach (which I’m sure when I get to the classroom it will be so very different!) and to learn ideas and methods from others (teaching/heard).

    1. In response to your statement:
      4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model. I am striving to become a leader by first doing my very best to I try to get to know people and have a genuine concern for their personal well-being and success (relating/felt). I try to learn all I can about how to teach (which I’m sure when I model appropriate behavior and attitudes (modeling/seen).get to the classroom it will be so very different!) and to learn ideas and methods from others (teaching/heard).

      I say you are so right when you say "... model appropriate behavior and attitudes (modeling/seen)." people gravitate to that. it speaks volumes

    2. I love your answer to number 4. I do believe that you are genuine about others well being ans success. I am out of my element but you are always helpful and friendly to me. For that i thank you.

  5. 1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you?
    My favorite story was the one about Guatemala. When I lived in Boaz there were a lot of people from Guatemala there and sometimes I would hear people tell them “Go back to your own country!” I wondered if these people knew what Guatemala was like would they still say that. I always thought the people from Guatemala must be very brave to leave their country, family, and friends behind to find a better life. I hope the 7 Habits will continue to bring renewed hope and pride to the people of Guatemala and cause the country to become a place where its citizens do not have to leave to have peace and success in their lives.

    2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.
    Step One: Continue to teach from the The Leader in Me book and add a class that focuses on the 7 habits philosophy.
    Step Two: Get the staff involved with the 7 habits. Everyone that works at A&M should have training so they will understand why this philosophy would improve our school. Our school has a negative image and it is long past time to change it to a positive image.
    Step Three: Have a group of student leaders form a club to help and support students and staff with issues they might have concerning the 7 habits or any other problems they might be having at the school.

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".
    As Whitney Houston once said “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.” How can we expect our children to lead our states and our country if we do not teach them the necessary skills to become leaders? The youth of today need to have the skills that the 7 habits can provide to lead in the future.

    1. I agree with your answer to number 4. I think all our children should have the 7 Habits implemented in their lives. I wish all schools had the 7 Habits in place in Alabama.

  6. 1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you?
    Dr.Covey’s four steps are: Inspire Trust; Clarify Purpose; Align Systems; and Unleash Talent.
    Aligning systems would probably be the hardest one for me because I tend to jump ahead when I get excited about something and sometimes miss out on important planning or outlining steps.
    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relating needs to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?
    Yes. It is very important for teachers to model what they expect the students to do. I hate it when a teacher will preach at the students about how to do something but then turn around and do the opposite. This “do as I say, not as I do” attitude will never work.
    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?
    Teachers can be the greatest asset or greatest threat because they are in a position to influence how a student will grow and learn. If a teacher is caring and effective the students will have a better chance of becoming academically and socially successful. If the teacher does not provide a caring environment the students are less likely to learn and more likely to become disinterested in their education.
    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model.
    As a mother I am a leader. I show my children how important education is by continuing my education, reading, helping them be better problem solvers, and encouraging them to take control of their lives by striving for excellence in everything they do.

    1. I loved your response to #4. I am too a parent and the roles we play as leaders are dire. Right now my son doesn't understand why I went back to college and he sometimes said that he doesn't want to go at all. I know with time he will understand. Keep up the great work.

    2. Dana i love your response to question number 4. because your are setting an example for your children. Also just let your children know that your education is an invest for their future.

  7. I agree with you on the question 1. I can get gung ho and move fast on an idea. the planning is a must before moving forward

  8. 1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you?

    Inspire Trust, Clarify Purpose, Align Systems, Unleash Talent
    I originally felt that clarifying purpose would be the most difficult but after taking a closer look into the four steps I fell that the most difficult would be to inspire trust. It’s hard to get someone to do something they don’t want to do especially well educated adults.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relating needs to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?

    I disagree, I feel that you should model, teach, and then relate. Although the other way works, I feel that you should model good behavior then teach it then relate it to other areas. If modeling is done the correct way there should be no problem teaching secondly and once there is a general understanding I feel that relating will come natural as opposed to forcing it second.

    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?

    This to me means that teacher’s are the largest influence inside the school; not the administrators, counselors, coaches, or anyone else. If the teachers aren’t correctly doing the things they need to do everything they stand for and are suppose to represent will go in vain. A bad teacher can damage a child for the rest of that child’s life and a great teacher can leave a impact so positive either way the child will never forget that teacher.

    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model.

    During the three years that I worked in the school system, I modeled for my peers and my students how I was a leader by volunteering over 900 hours. I related to the students, almost better than their teachers sometimes, because the learning curve between them and me and them and their teacher is much smaller. I taught my students and my peers that giving back to their community is important and rewarding for everyone.

    1. Jameon I really that you taught the importance of giving back to the community is important. I completely agree with you about this. I feel that this is something that needs to be instilled into the children of today.

  9. Chapter 7

    1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you? Roosevelt Middle School is my favorite story. First thing that I connect with is the statement that at the beginning of the story “one does not fully understand another person until one has walked a mile in their shoes”. I firmly believe that this is true; we may think we understand but you can’t completely unless you have had the same life experiences. Secondly, she really did not want the job but as she stated she knew that God had wanted her to do this. Marilyn Vrooman knew that this was going to be a challenge but she knew that it was not about her, it was about what the school needed. I really liked that when she looked at the job she knew that she realized she needed to work on everything around the students, in order to reach the student such as the faculty and facilities. It is never stated that she needed to change the students. Thirdly, I really liked that how she involved the students in the changing of the school which helped the students to have ownership of the change. This is shown by how the meeting areas had been protected and not damaged. After reading about the changes that has taken places you do imagine a “utopia” but you are reminded the challenges that Vrooman faces everyday just by her drive to school.

    2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.

    1. Complete a study within the Department.
    2. Establish a leader within the Department that encourages implementation of the 7 Habits. There needs to be someone to be the driving force to keep up the momentum.
    3. Provide opportunities to see the changes that The Leader in Me has encouraged such as testimonies and schools. The book has shown how people have been inspired by observing the changes in others.

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth". I agree with this statement completely. The youth is the future of everything and specifically the state. If the youth is educated, then the potential of the state is better.

  10. Chapter 8 - Making It Happen One Step at a Time

    1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you? The steps that Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change are 1. Inspire Trust 2. Clarify Purpose 3. Align Systems 4. Unleash Talent
    I think the most difficult one for me would be aligning the systems. The task of aligning right person with the proper role would be difficult for me.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relation need to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?
    I completely agree that modeling and relation are very important for the teacher be effective. The statement “Don’t do as I do, do as I say” comes to my mind. Is that ever effective? No. I feel that trust is built on modeling because how someone feels on the inside will come out. So students can determine when someone’s actions are sincere. This is the foundation for a relationship.

    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"? Teachers are a very vital part to the plan. The teachers are the link between the 7 habits and the success of the students. So if the teachers are not sold out, then the plan will not reach the students.

    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model.
    I feel that I can be a leader because I attempt to model good choices and invest in relationships. I am not saying that I am perfect but I do try to make good choices. I am willing to invest time and effort into building a relationship.

  11. 1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you.
    When reading the different stories one that really stuck out and became my personal favorite was the story of Roosevelt middle school. This story reminded me of when people say don’t judge I book by its cover. Roosevelt middle school indirectly reminded me of the movie lean on me with the famous actor Morgan Freeman where he played the role of a determined principle and got everyone involved to make a difference from the students to the members of its staff. The part that particularly impacted me the most was when she got the at risk boys involved and there was positive response from the boys.
    2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.
    • I would have all the faculty and staff of the school of education to go through the 7 Habits training.
    • I would implement the 7 habits in the School of Education mission statement
    • Make it a requirement for the school of education to implement the 7 habits in the class
    • Also would have a require training course for the students( because they might get a job where that school is implementing the program in their school)

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".
    I agree with this statement because the youth are the future of every state and that every state has the right to better their youth with education.

  12. 1. Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas". Why did this schools/countries story impact you. My aha came when i was reading the Japan story. Japans story impacted me because although the school system was set in its ways those two companys didn't give of having the 7 habits implemented. I liked how they tried one thing wasn't successful and moved on until they succeeded. That story let me know to push on although one door closes another will open if you just keep on trying.

    2. Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter. Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.

    1. I would introduce the 7 habit plan to department.
    2. Give the 7 habits book out to department
    3. Provide training to staff and students.
    4. Implement 7 habits in the school.

    3. React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".
    I believe that the statement holds truth. The youth are our future and whatever they are taught will dictate how they will lead. If or youth are not educated well then i believe your state is bond to have problems down the road.

    Chapter 8 - Making It Happen One Step at a Time

    1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you? Inspire Trust,Clarify Purpose, Align System, and Unleash Talent. Align Systems would be hard for me.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relatin need to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?
    I agree because if a student can not relate to you then they are most likely not going to pay attention to you. Also having a great relationship with your students leds to you knowing your students better and them trusting you. Students who are comfortable usually do better than a student who can't relate to a teacher. Modeling is important because it builds belief and trust.

    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"? Teachers are the greatest asset because they get to teach kids new things and model good habits to them. Teachers are a great threat because they instill things in kids daily and if the wrong things are instilled in them than that can cause a problem.

    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model.
    I am a leader because i like to relate to people. I believe thaat whatever job you do you have to be willing to build relations. I love building relations with people no matter if their hard to get along with or easy to get along with. Theres a way to build a relationship with everyone it just takes being willing to figure out how you can relate to a person.

    1. I really like your plan to implement in to the school of education. I believe that the school of education should implemented this program for their teacher candidates or at least add a course since this a growing program.

  13. 1. What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change? Which would be the most difficult one for you?
    1. Inspire Trust
    2. Clarify Purpose
    3. Align Systems
    4. Unleash Talent

    The most difficult is Align Systems The task of aligning it would be hard to have the proper person for the right role.

    2. The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relatin needs to be strong for teaching to be most effective. Do you agree/disagree? Why?
    I totally agree that modeling and relation are very significant for teachers been effective. I feel that trust is constructed on the base of modeling and how someone feels about a situation.

    3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?
    Teachers are the utmost asset since they have the potential to have a great effect on their students also begin the greatest threat in the school a teacher can bring down the school by not be as effectively on their student and not even caring about their school. “One bad apple spoiled the brunch”

    4. Describe how you are a leader. Be sure to use Covey's model.
    I believe that I can be a great leader because I would try to model good behavior for my learners. Also as a leader I would invest in to my student for their future. Try to inspire them to do their best because as a leaders I would try to lead by explain.
