Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10 - Bringing It Home

During the course of this semester we have been challenged.  TLIM provides several lessons on leadership not only for schools but in our personal lives as well.  You have read how different schools have implemented the ideas in this book.  The fact that there is not a cookie cutter approach makes it appealing to me.  The question is how do YOU bring it home.  How do YOU embrace these principles in your life as a teacher candidate and then transform them into your professional practice. You will need to choose a habit (there are seven of you and seven habits) and create a bulletin board to reflect that habit.  Once the habit has been chosen it can't be selected again.  You are free to use the supplies in the College of Education Curriculum Lab.   The ONLY store bought items to be used on the board will be border.  If you have never created a board before please see Billie Green the lab assistant ASAP.  She will be out on maternity leave VERY soon.  The boards need to be up no later than 5:00 pm November 26, 2012.  Be creative! 

FYI: Bulletin boards take longer to create than you might think!!!!!


  1. I am going to do the habit: Sharpening the Saw.

  2. Dr. A, you said the boards need to be up. Do you mean take one of the boards on the hall in the Department or some other place? Can you please give more details?

  3. I want to do Habit 1: Be Proactive

  4. I will do "Habit 4: Think Win-Win"

  5. I would like to have Habit 6: Synergize

  6. i will do Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

  7. I will do habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind.
