Sunday, November 18, 2012

FYI - presentations

Previously sent as an email.....

Good Sunday Morning,

I thought I would send you a few FYI facts as you put the finishing touches on your presentations for tomorrow.  We will have four presentations (see schedule below)  Make plans to present for 30 - 45 minutes.  Please put a paragraph summary (no more than 5 sentences) about your topic on our blog (for groups choose ONE person to do that). This will help us to know a little about your topic before tomorrow.  We will meet in one of the classrooms upstairs since that setting is a little more intimate.  I will provide a projector.  If you don't have a laptop EMAIL me you presentation since I will not allow a flash drive in my laptop (had one to crash after class presentations due to a virus). EMAIL to my google account ONLY

You and your group are the experts--we can't wait to hear what you have learned and how this impact will affect you/your colleagues as future teachers.  "WOW" us, "ENGAGE" us (it's not a monologue), TEACH us!!!!!!!

Unless there is a power outage we WILL finish each presentation so be prepared to stay the length of the class period. If you need to bring a snack feel free.  We will take a break between each presentation to debrief.

Have a wonderful Sunday --enjoy the blessings of God today and always.

Presentation Schedule
1. Vanessa
2. Dana & April
3. Jameon
4. Rebecca, Trenecia, William

Dr. A

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Beginning with the End in Mind

Good news!!!! This post is due by midnight November 30!!! (note this is a Friday)  You will need all your time to work on the presentations for Monday November 19th.

Bulletin Board

Below you will find the grading rubric for The 7 Habits bulletin board.  When thinking about your design -- You are in a school that has adopted the 7 habits.  As a third grade team you and your colleagues (classmates) are responsible for creating a bulletin board that reflects the seven habits.  This is a board that would be outside (or inside) your classroom to help your students and others to identify with the seven habits.  **please let me know if this helps you with your thinking.  Post on the blog as others might have questions and need clarification.

7 Habits Board
1 - Dana
2- Vanessa
3- Jameon
4- William
5- Trenecia
6- April
7 - Rebecca

Grading Rubric
Bulletin Board

Name ____________________________________    Topic ______________________________

Ideas Reflect one of the 7 Habits

(Is the project neat?  Are the colors used appealing?)

(Are multiple senses used when manipulating the board’s activities?)

Grammatically Correct and Error Free
(Did candidates follow the rules of English grammar?  Are all words spelled correctly?)

Directions Followed
(Name,  grade level and directions are TYPED)
**this sheet is placed NEXT to the board**

Final Score

Rating Scale

90 – 100 = A         Indicates the teacher candidate does an outstanding job.  No area for improvement is readily identifiable.

80 - 89 = B            Indicates the teacher candidate meets and sometimes exceeds expectations for performance.

70 - 79 = C            Indicates the teacher candidate performs at an average level.

65 - 69 = D            Indicates the teacher candidate’s performance sometimes but not always meets expectations.  Improvement activities are required for performance to consistently meet standards.

0 - 64 = F               Indicates the teacher candidate’s performance is not acceptable.  Improvement activities must be undertaken immediately.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10 - Bringing It Home

During the course of this semester we have been challenged.  TLIM provides several lessons on leadership not only for schools but in our personal lives as well.  You have read how different schools have implemented the ideas in this book.  The fact that there is not a cookie cutter approach makes it appealing to me.  The question is how do YOU bring it home.  How do YOU embrace these principles in your life as a teacher candidate and then transform them into your professional practice. You will need to choose a habit (there are seven of you and seven habits) and create a bulletin board to reflect that habit.  Once the habit has been chosen it can't be selected again.  You are free to use the supplies in the College of Education Curriculum Lab.   The ONLY store bought items to be used on the board will be border.  If you have never created a board before please see Billie Green the lab assistant ASAP.  She will be out on maternity leave VERY soon.  The boards need to be up no later than 5:00 pm November 26, 2012.  Be creative! 

FYI: Bulletin boards take longer to create than you might think!!!!!

Chapter 9 Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Post due by midnight November 18, 2012

Chapter 9 - Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Anne Sullivan's story is inspiring.  She overcame great hardships and went on to become an extraordinary teacher.  Write a reaction to her speech and how it relates to you as  teacher. 

TLIM describes "modern day miracle workers" (teachers) I love that phrase.  Choose one miracle worker from the list below and share with your colleagues what you find out about him/her.  Make your choice known on this blog. Once a person is chosen, they can't be used again. :)

1. Marva Collins
2. Ron Clark
3. Rafe Esquith
4. Jaime Escalante 
5. Erin Gruewell
6. Geoffrey Canada
7. Dr. Steve Perry
8. Salome Thomas-El

Chapter 7 - Moving Upward and Beyond ~ Chapter 8 Making Happen, One Step at a Time

Post due by midnight - November 11, 2012

On a personal note:  Chapter 7 opens with information about Tony Contos at Joliet Central High School, MY alma mater.  I was so excited, I called the school.  He has since retired but works at the Joliet Museum.  Of course, I emailed him :) and we have been corresponding on how the 7 Habits transformed him.

1.  Share your favorite story from this chapter-- your "ahas".  Why did this schools/countries story impact you.

2.  Rebecca asked earlier about the College of Education taking on the challenge of leading, for me the "beyond" part of this chapter.  Develop a plan a 3 - 5 point plan for implementation at AAMU.

3.  React to this statement found in chapter 7 "The foundation of every state is the education of its youth".

Chapter 8 - Making It Happen One Step at a Time

1.  What are the four steps Dr. Covey recommends to facilitate change?  Which would be the most difficult one for you? 
2.  The "Pyramid of Influence" shows teaching at the top, and stresses that modeling and relatin need to be strong fo teaching to be most effective.  Do you agree/disagree?  Why?
3. What is meant by "teachers are a school's greatest asset, which also makes them the greatest threat"?
4.  Describe how you are a leader.  Be sure to use Covey's model.